Wednesday, November 09, 2005


There once in the land of thongs lived a thing.
It thought thought and thought and then tried to be a thong.
But the more it tried more it became a thing.
So it broke down and cried.
Seeing the only thing among the thongs distraught with sorrow the Muse descended from the Pale Star.
The Thongs on seeing the Muse in their midst organised a do.
But they forgot to invite the Thing so right at party time they found that there was no sign of the Muse.
So the Head of the Thongs got mighty worked up and deputed a posse of subordinate Thongs to find the Muse and fetch him for the do.
The posse caught up with the Muse by the side of the pearly stream watching the waves flowing up to the shining stars , every atom shining like the iridiscent glow of azure sunsets.But there was no sign of the Thing, it had ascended long ago.

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