Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My kind'a town

There is a town of
great black snakes
sooty high rises
greasy cakes

in the center
is a dome
full of cesars
like in rome

far and yonder
the artery flies
suits fancy cars
full of lies

in the east
lies the river
black polluted
raped sliver

fat cats slobber
in the south
frothing foaming
rich mouths

starving does the
beggar lie
outstretched hand
a wink sly

screaming sirens
pilot cars
parasites feeding
age no bar

cant we ever
find a man
decent healthy
without a plan

purring cats
eating bait
sated bated
lowly rate

afar a pagoda
a gleaming mosque
holy temples
shining dusk

men at prayer
pass you by
full of hate
full of rye

wheres the love
lovers frown
wheres the beauty
at sundown

bilious pious
on the throne
thats the city
we all own

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