Thursday, August 13, 2009


Green grass with kites above
the wind made patterns in the clouds.
I lay gazing
in a dream-like high
was it a castle that I saw
or just a pattern in the sky
breathing deep the sun broke through
the dream was gone
but the feeling remained
and then I heard
faint then stronger
the cry of joy on a cricket ground

Sanjeev Chhiber

Copyright ©2004 Sanjeev Chhiber
My lasting obsession

She left me burning
seething churning
only to return
to a charred wasteland of hope

black was my mood
blue my failing heart
the red blood within
congealed toothpaste

where will it go
my pain lined despair
etched on the bark
torn wretched nails

from white to grey
bluish purple
deep purple with swollen veins
turned crimson dyed indigo

a darkness within
tentacled spreading
occupying rooms
in the center of my soul

then she comes in
softly feather gentle
cold blue death
the final kiss

Blue ribbon

A blue ribbon floated into my window today
it was marked with green shadows
and was bordered by pale gray

in the center was a dot marked in ink
unsteady wavering
was the hand that held the pen I think

it smelled of lilac and faint vanilla musk
a small floating thread shook in the wind
like dried coconut husk

as you looked even closer
a small hole came through
probably a pin I thought or a metal brooch

it had come from the east the ribbon
it had flown in from the busy road
it seemed like a orphaned waif
with wolves at his throat

who had worn it whose chest it had adorned
or was it just tied loosely
around a fair maid’s throat

the sun went down I looked up to see
the clock had just struck nine
when I broke my reverie

examining the ribbon
was like giving it life
it seemed to glow now lustily
now mocking the neon light

it looked so different
in the night I thought
the hues changing subtly
melting like hoar

as it grew bolder
it started talking back
I am but a traveler it said
And am proud of every thread

Once I had flown through
a maelstrom full of ice
my soul almost died there
but I survived to fly

I have seen all seasons
All human emotions laid bare
Your life is but a ribbon
Floating flying in dense air

@SC ----17/04/2009
Strange love song

there is an old old town

of people small and frail

living lives in harmony

with blue funk and no pain

black are the strait laces

that adorn the town square

red purplish pillars

with frills on the stairs

the clocks all go backward

careening into space

time is not a premium

in this atavistic place

far away in the distance

cumulonimbi gather glace

they kiss the misty mountaintops

roar with earthen grace

the movie hall is greenish

ivied walls it holds

in the cavernous interior

mary jane is rolled

the pictures on the radio

the sounds of belly roars

the creaky creeps of silence

the bloody waves on the shore

the streets all go down

through wierd cazy caves

the ramparts of the crossings

filled with many braves

greased sit the bankers

with their squeaky shining shoes

rolling evil dough

brewing loaded brews

blue are the pilgrims

black is the rain

yellow are the monsters

overstuffed with grain

jokers clap in unison

in all towns such as these

making air patterns

to disturb the flying geese

and far away again

beyond the soaring blue

beyond the azure valleys

there is just I me and you

we all fly together

fighting the growing pain

taking pills to forget

growing sadness in our brains

@Sanjeev Chhiber 5/4/2009

Jul 31, '06 1:39 AM

once in the hills of Luna
lived a king of sorts
he would sit on a silver cushion
tending to his pots

everyevening he could see the
the blue moon shine so clear
the rivers in the galaxy
looked like twinkling steers

the lunar king was ageless
his vision spanned all time
his watch showed time in parsecs
and his breath reeked of lime

sometimes the meteor
would fall near his shore
throwing shards of crystals
each one filled with lore

for food he ate starust
his water whisky clear
single malted nectar
each drop old and dear

all the time he watched
like the sentinel of yore
millenia eonsin his calendar
were just weeks of sheafs he tore

there had been the other
there had been many more
but it was he and he alone
that watches over this shore

how far he had come from
how far he had to go
only Deus his cousin
could say how many more

the blue moon yonder was
a fiery red once
greeen to gold and silver
it even was a nun

for some time the oceans
filled it with life
the king of luna kept watching
the never ending strife

the apes called it earth
and they called luna moon
the fools thought the observatory
was their own private spoon

they landed one day on luna
strange suits heavy they wore
strutted proudly as peacocks
delusional as a boar

there were million million galaxies
in the universal tree
but the apemen ignorant
were happy on their twig

what would they have done had they known
that the tree was very small
it stood in an arbor
dwarfed by banyan swarms

each tree had twigs
of similar nasty beasts
each twig had its luna
with a king who was free

thinking of the religions and countries
that apemen have spawned
so tiny insignificant
full of moldy ponds

its time to take a walk
through the arbor green and deep
see the universes pulsate
while good old deus sleeps
Jul 27, '06 2:57 AM

I walked through the desert
one misty pearly dawn
cool wind swirling
moist sand colored fawn

Sol came through shimmering
on the bleeding horizon
disdainfully he marched out
night into days prison

there was hope there was joy
also the birthing dread
he would heat the desert
and by miday we'd be dead

soon the taste of salt
touched my cracking lips
I wasnt crying
just sweating in strips

the sky so blue
the vultures so high
dunes all around me
tall parched and dry

sol's light snaked its fingers
into every goddamn hole
scooping out water
turning it to gold

vainly the gerbil
cowered in in a crevice deep
he would freeze there all day
not uttering a peep

as the heat kept mounting
with nary a cloud in the sky
all around me were creatures
left high and dry

my water bottle heated
beyond my thirsting hope
it seared and burnt
my aching arid throat

where is the maker
cried the children big and small
he has left us stranded
deserted full of gall

why didnt we live
on a glacier full of ice
we would have our hearts fill
and even leave some for the mice

where are the roses
where are the balls
where are the jasmine
magnolia scented malls

just sand sand sand
all around
you could have a built a castle
it would have kept coming down

just then there was thunder
and lightning streaked the sky
there was sounds of splashing
as the rain came visiting by

we sat on the heated
sandy parched malls
rubbed our eyes drily
and waited for the fall

there yonder lay the ocean
so acid full of brine
it was raining on the water
leaving us sandy people dry
Death Apr 28, '06 5:17 AM

there was that time in October

when the sky turned blue again

nascent mist virgin and free

began playing games in my brain

through a smoked glass window

i saw the day bright and clear

brown leaves floating

azure blue sky so clear

a pang sudden and thoughtful

caressed gently my soul

happiness tinged with sorrow

wreathed around the posts of my every goal

it felt like heaven i thought

with jasmine scented airs

marigolds round pillors

magnolia scented hair

here then mocked the turtle

sated feted by endless shoals

we will be the greatest fin

to have ever swum in the fish bowl

eating oysters sipping wine

drinking juices of good times

playing games on a lark

not caring for the coming dark

the sun dipped down

and soon was night

there were unseen shadows

piercing left and right

then came the whisper

out from the void

icy cold freezing

at an insane boil

have a ball it said

have a sprightly blast

but one day , one bright day

I'll come for you at last

Winter Rain Jan 6, '06 1:58 AM

there was the cloud

which drifted by the road

picking up moisture

giving off hope

the parched land

with its mouseholes

looked up smiling

with its many souls

i shall be drenched

cried the brown hare

i will bathe in glory

my skin so fair

little further sat the wild hog

writing messages on his pet blog

who will see me and read my name

i do it to garner fame

shhh... shushed the green man

so full of bile

it doesnt matter what yu write

and how the time you while

the earth went on

at its fast space

circled the sun

with infinite grace

far away in the center

of the milky way

the black hole gnawed

eating away

and the cloud that was

now pregnant and swollen

full of raindrops

laced with pollen

it rained and rained

the whole dark night

the moon shone through

with its flickering light

how does it matter

cried the old damned muse

it has to end

it has to fuse


betwixt the road and I
lies a fog miles deep
laden with sadness
it has kindness in heaps

it blinds gently
one from one's follies
garbs weaknesses
in shining black holly

dark ether of consciousness
dark powers of greed
white showers of wisdom
purple clouds of human creed

some times it slithers
and a sliver of pearly lights
creeps up in shivers
then goes out of sight

and we walk on
trudging painfully
on bruised corny legs
living on last dregs

misery o misery
life surrounds thee
sometimes a break of laughter
in tedious monotony

cant we all sit
and eat at the feast
sip the wine of rubies
die manfully

why do we struggle
to and fro at the shore
why are our oars
covered in bloody gore

but we have to go on I guess
and satisfy our peers
'cause a disease called life
has infected immortality

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Thu, 17 November 2005 21:41

This is the winter of my discontent. The time which comes creeping in with stealth in every man's life, making him reconsider the direction his chosen path is leading him.It is not about success or failure, or poverty or richness ,or happiness or misery.Rather it is about the image that one constructs so lovingly carefully in ones own private mirror.Then the distant shadow of the grim reaper though still far away in the far distance reminds one of the journey half done and unrequited and then a sigh escapes one's lips,...
Will I make it?
Will I etch the etchable on the smoked glass of life?
Or will I blow away like countless grains of sand unsung and forgotten?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My kind'a town

There is a town of
great black snakes
sooty high rises
greasy cakes

in the center
is a dome
full of cesars
like in rome

far and yonder
the artery flies
suits fancy cars
full of lies

in the east
lies the river
black polluted
raped sliver

fat cats slobber
in the south
frothing foaming
rich mouths

starving does the
beggar lie
outstretched hand
a wink sly

screaming sirens
pilot cars
parasites feeding
age no bar

cant we ever
find a man
decent healthy
without a plan

purring cats
eating bait
sated bated
lowly rate

afar a pagoda
a gleaming mosque
holy temples
shining dusk

men at prayer
pass you by
full of hate
full of rye

wheres the love
lovers frown
wheres the beauty
at sundown

bilious pious
on the throne
thats the city
we all own

Walk Through My ID

Pebbles dancing,glistening sticky wet.
I walk through the cobwebs of confusion,
where am I,a question that always defeats me
And then I stand hands outstretched on the the misty mountain
exultant forces ripping out of my inner soul

I see the dark endless void
but also the shimmering light that pierces my ocean
Green leaves freshly washed sparkling bright
dark earth in mounds of dead souls
roads that lead on and on and on

yet they leave me full of hope
as i churn the new hopes and fears in my mind
as i think of what foes that i may face
as i push the devils down my throat
there is a wild dervish motion

Am i living or am dead
or it is just the pangs of
getting ready to be born

I Remember-A summer Dream

Slow trains
gentle moods as you slip off again
reverie for me that lasts summers
slow tumbling harsh drummers

hot gusts envelop you like a warm sleeve
then the rains you go drip drip drip
tracks of time always keep you going
dribbling dozing

slowly you feel the gentle breeze
lift moisture from your neck
the wind is hot and so is in motion
the rusty fan over your head

quick visions flit across
the great landscapes of your mind
great oceans roar in black and white
while demons dance in rhyme

is it only rock and roll
or is it just the blues
the whirling motion wakes you up
and you remember


unfeeling he sits
stonyfaced uncaring
does he exist
or does he not

cold rigid death
climbing vines
devouring souls
ululating high

does he love you or me
or is it just a tool
to enslave
our feeble minds

long tailed birds
flowing wind
opalescent dew drops
on fresh grass

beautiful maidens
rosy lips
large fluttering eye
sseducing hips

pink snow on peaks
untouched by hand
purple lights
in no man's land

fresh breezes
jasmine highs
meadows rolling
onto the sea

golden sunsets
misty dusks
beating hearts
racing lust

shadows of the
lurking dark
casting light
in the human soul

is this the end
or just an illusion
God made
or just confusion?


A strange beginning
a tame end
sounds of mindless laughter
endless eddys
cold mornings full of hope
warm days and the dread of passing
stabs of unrequited love
dashed hopes unfulfilled ambitions
what then is life
one asked the Muse
it is a dream he replied
a vague dream of immortality
Early mornin
river deep
mist kissed waters
eyes stinged
couldnt see a thing
took a toke
the whirling mind cleared in the smoke
the sun burst thru
darkness reigned
blue sky indigo blue sky indigo...................


Home , home my friend
when I sleep cold and tired
dreaming of fallow fields
unspent fires
there comes the star
blue and warm
enters the bedroom of my mind
playing games


There once in the land of thongs lived a thing.
It thought thought and thought and then tried to be a thong.
But the more it tried more it became a thing.
So it broke down and cried.
Seeing the only thing among the thongs distraught with sorrow the Muse descended from the Pale Star.
The Thongs on seeing the Muse in their midst organised a do.
But they forgot to invite the Thing so right at party time they found that there was no sign of the Muse.
So the Head of the Thongs got mighty worked up and deputed a posse of subordinate Thongs to find the Muse and fetch him for the do.
The posse caught up with the Muse by the side of the pearly stream watching the waves flowing up to the shining stars , every atom shining like the iridiscent glow of azure sunsets.But there was no sign of the Thing, it had ascended long ago.